Thursday, September 26, 2013

Exploring Prayer on Facebook

Today I have been exploring the three most recent Facebook post on 3 different Facebook pages. (I have taken out last names or cities they live)

From the Prayer Warriors Prayer Group:

"Plz remeber me i have cancer it went frm 3.9 to 4.3 i love my lord jesus .amen"

"May I ask that you all pray for my sister . She has a bad nasty cold . Thank-you"

"Thank you for all your prayers for my husband,he will only have to go for dialysis for two days a week instead of three,I know if it's Gods will he will be healed completely.Thanks to all for your prayers."

From the Prayer Request Group:

"Please pray for Zoe (Lauren) who is in an **** hospital in an induced coma. She and her boyfriend were on a motorcycle that was hit by a truck and trailer rig. The boyfriend was killed in the accident. Zoe was my granddaughter (step) as my daughter was married to her father. So many are hurting, prayers for both families, please! In His name."

"Amazing Grace is the love language that God uses to speak to the world!
His grace is big enough to cover all of our sins. 
His grace is big enough to offer us a second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, etc. chance. 
His grace is big enough to provide salvation through a relationship with His Son. 
His grace is big enough to transform the life of a sinner like me! 
And it is only because of His Amazing Grace that we have an opportunity 
to spend eternity in Paradise with Him! Not because we deserve it...but because He loves us more than we can even imagine and His grace is bigger than our sins!"

"Please pray for Roy. Aggressive treatment is being planned to work on several growths that have been found in several places. Also his wife, Colleen, has an upper respiratory infection and wants prayers to be able to help him get through this. They live in ********, but Roy's heart has always been here in ***** where he was raised. Colleen is a descendant of the **** clan. Thank everyone."

From the Four Men Prayer Group:

They have had 3 uplifting pictures that are posted with quotes in them.

"My every beat of my heart be a song of praise to Thy glory, O Lord God!"

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart on your own intelligence do not rely in all your ways, be mindful of him, an dhe will make straight your paths" - Proverbs 3:5-6


In both the Prayer Warrior Prayer Group and the Prayer Request Group are similar in how they show their religion and how they ask for prayer.
Both groups are very personal in their messages and how they are phrasing the message to hit home and for people to pray for them.
Some of them are very short and sweet, so that they get right to the point across in what they need for pray. Others tell you the whole story so you can relate better to them and maybe be able to pray for them in a more personal way. In the Prayer Warrior page- that is a lady that talks about the blessing that has come form the prayers and I see that as being very powerful to showing how she is giving thanks to everyone and God in the blessings that have come to her and her family. In the Prayer Request Group the lady does not say a pray but a quote of some sort that reminds everyone that God is love and he is there for you. This is very impacting for people who are going through a tough time and a good remind to people on the page of why we are praying for everyone. She is showing her religion by show love and spreading the word of God's grace. She is searching out for the positive and even though most of the post on the page are sad and many people ask why things are happening, she reminds them God is good in what he does. 
All 6 users from the first two groups are all unique in their own ways! 
The first guy asking for prayer for cancer you can see that he is short and sweet and to the point. He is probably exhausted and that shows through how he worded his message. All he wants is to feel better. The women asking for prayer for her sister is also short and to the point. The rest of them are a little longer, some longer than others, but they become more personal, reaching out to people who want more of a personal back ground of how to pray for them.  
In the First two groups there were no pictures of anything, but strong personal messages that can paint a picture in your mind. The trust that they have to post on a site about personal things shows which each post. The belief that with prayer good will come is also a huge point that stands out. They have no fear to ask for other people that believe to pray for them. 

Now the Four Men Prayer Group is a different kind of page to follow. Most of the post are created by people that created the page. They are inspirational quotes and pictures or bible verses. I understood the first two post but the last one I was not sure of the last word they used. I looked it up Eucharist: is the holy communion that is taken, being apart of the last supper with Jesus. This is part of the Christian Faith so that gave me more of the clue of where they focused their page on. 
All of their pictures and the quotes that are with the pictures are very uplifting and trying to remind you to live your life in the right direction. There is no comments under the pictures so I am not sure how the people that follow the page think of the pictures but I see them as uplifting. 
The aim of them using these quotes and the pictures is a way to say there is a new day and God is here and keep going on even if it is tough. Life is hard and the power in uplifting words of encouragement can help someone get through the day. They want to be there for men who need to stay on the right path.  

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